Stand Up For Who You Are!

If someone tries to bring you down, hold your head higher & smile

People get picked on & bullied for many different things. It could be something as simple as the clothes you wear or your style of hair, to the colour of your skin or the person you choose to love, whether it be a man or a woman.
I'm one of those people. However, I just think I have a flashing neon sign above my head saying "Pick On Me!" as I've no idea why people choose to bully me. I'm just trying to be myself! And that's just it! No matter what you do, how many times you colour your hair, or change your clothing style, some people will just walk right over you.
So, what do we do?
We have to learn to stand up for ourselves, because it's our right to have the freedom to live as we are. We shouldn't have to change ourselves in any sort of way, except to gain a bit of confidence & build on our self esteem.

My blog is about how I try to be me, trying to be the best I can be!

I promise you this is not a super depressing blog, because I sure as hell ain't a depressed person, though, I do have my moments, just as everyone else does.
This is where I will be 100% myself, expressing my thoughts & feelings on different matters & also my daily life.

What I hope to do here on this blog, is to put a smile on your face &, hopefully, let you know it's okay to be yourself; to be proud of who you are!

If you do read my blog & you find that you find what I say has some truth to it, or my wackiness & randomness of my true self puts a good smile on your face, please don't hesitate to comment & let me know! Putting a smile on someone's face is always the best thing! It'd make my day! :)

Well, I hope you enjoy my blog... Have a good day! :)

Saturday 30 June 2012


Well, I've been packing on & off all day today!
I'm going to the Gaeltacht tomorrow.
The Gaeltacht is the name given to the Irish speaking areas in Ireland. I'm going to be attending a three week course to improve my Irish for school. I won't be allowed a phone, iPod or any electrical device. No internet access. I can't even read a book in English or watch tv!
Don't get me wrong, the Gaeltacht (we just call the course that) is so freakin' fun! You stay in local peoples' homes with numerous other students, of the same gender, &can't speak English, except for an exception of one English word per sentence. You have class every weekday morning & then ceilĂ­s (Irish traditional group dances) every single night. We play sport; have singing competitions where we change the lyrics of hit songs & translate them into Irish. There's theme nights & trips!
However, since last time I went I've become a bit of an Internet addict. Plus, I need the connection with my friends. Then there's all my music... At least my friends that live in Ireland, along with my boyfriend, can mail me letters. Nothing like some pen & ink!
I think I might not hand up my iPod when I arrive. It's risky, but as long as I hand up my phone, I shoud be okay. Plus, IM gave me a creative idea to hide it in my socks! Haha! I think I might do it for the craic, but I'll see how thing go there first. There may be a problem of charging it, though, so I'll see.

Hm... What else? Maybe the fact that I probably won't be blogging for three weeks...? I don't think I'll have a chance tomorrow before I go, so this'll be my last post until July 22nd, unless I post right after this again!

Oh! Wait! I may have Internet once a week on Sundays, as it's my day out with my parents, so maybe I'll post a bit then :)

Anyway, I feel a bit sick now. I don't know if it's because of what's happened the last few days, my boyfriend & how things will go not talking to him really, the whole Gaeltacht thing & having to try & make new friends, or, just the whole lot together. Either way, I plan to make the most of these next three weeks & maybe get a job as soon as I get back!

Well, have a good July! I'll more than likely talk to ye towards the end of the month - I doubt I'll manage many posts in between.
Goodnight! ^_^ <3

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