Stand Up For Who You Are!

If someone tries to bring you down, hold your head higher & smile

People get picked on & bullied for many different things. It could be something as simple as the clothes you wear or your style of hair, to the colour of your skin or the person you choose to love, whether it be a man or a woman.
I'm one of those people. However, I just think I have a flashing neon sign above my head saying "Pick On Me!" as I've no idea why people choose to bully me. I'm just trying to be myself! And that's just it! No matter what you do, how many times you colour your hair, or change your clothing style, some people will just walk right over you.
So, what do we do?
We have to learn to stand up for ourselves, because it's our right to have the freedom to live as we are. We shouldn't have to change ourselves in any sort of way, except to gain a bit of confidence & build on our self esteem.

My blog is about how I try to be me, trying to be the best I can be!

I promise you this is not a super depressing blog, because I sure as hell ain't a depressed person, though, I do have my moments, just as everyone else does.
This is where I will be 100% myself, expressing my thoughts & feelings on different matters & also my daily life.

What I hope to do here on this blog, is to put a smile on your face &, hopefully, let you know it's okay to be yourself; to be proud of who you are!

If you do read my blog & you find that you find what I say has some truth to it, or my wackiness & randomness of my true self puts a good smile on your face, please don't hesitate to comment & let me know! Putting a smile on someone's face is always the best thing! It'd make my day! :)

Well, I hope you enjoy my blog... Have a good day! :)

Thursday 23 August 2012

Listening to the Lyrics

I'm sitting here listening to Eminem's album The Slim Shady LP.
I love his lyrics. There's only a few rappers that I actually like.
The main reasons I love Eminem is that:

1) I can actually understand what he says when he's rapping.
2) His lyrics tell a story. They aren't some pointless commercial music. He has real feelings in the lyrics.

I love songs that actually tell a story. They inspire me to write, giving me ideas for a novel. Florence & The Machine are brilliant for that sort of inspiration. I think so, anyway! Her voice & the music adds to the lyrics. It's beautiful!

I wonder a lot Do most great lyrical songs results of events of the witer's life? It would explain the raw emotion in some.
Take Adele, for example. She broke up with a lad & wrote a whole, amazing, album about it.
Ryan Shaughnessy caught the attention of millions across Ireland & the UK with his song No Name. A song about a girl he had fallen for. It just shows that music communicates better with the listener when real thought & feelings are put into the lyrics & music.

Does anyone else just listen to the lyrics & actually think about what they say or mean?


  1. I do all the time! For me a lot of the itme, I listen to the background music, like if i'm working out, or dancing. But sometimes when I want to listen to a song, it's because of the lyrics. A few of my favorites right now are actually "Who Says" by Selena Gomez, "Skyscraper" by Demi Lovato, or "Wide Awake" by Katy Perry. Ever heard any of those?

    1. I know Katy Perry's song Wide Awake, but not the other two, I don't think! I'll check them out! :D
