Stand Up For Who You Are!

If someone tries to bring you down, hold your head higher & smile

People get picked on & bullied for many different things. It could be something as simple as the clothes you wear or your style of hair, to the colour of your skin or the person you choose to love, whether it be a man or a woman.
I'm one of those people. However, I just think I have a flashing neon sign above my head saying "Pick On Me!" as I've no idea why people choose to bully me. I'm just trying to be myself! And that's just it! No matter what you do, how many times you colour your hair, or change your clothing style, some people will just walk right over you.
So, what do we do?
We have to learn to stand up for ourselves, because it's our right to have the freedom to live as we are. We shouldn't have to change ourselves in any sort of way, except to gain a bit of confidence & build on our self esteem.

My blog is about how I try to be me, trying to be the best I can be!

I promise you this is not a super depressing blog, because I sure as hell ain't a depressed person, though, I do have my moments, just as everyone else does.
This is where I will be 100% myself, expressing my thoughts & feelings on different matters & also my daily life.

What I hope to do here on this blog, is to put a smile on your face &, hopefully, let you know it's okay to be yourself; to be proud of who you are!

If you do read my blog & you find that you find what I say has some truth to it, or my wackiness & randomness of my true self puts a good smile on your face, please don't hesitate to comment & let me know! Putting a smile on someone's face is always the best thing! It'd make my day! :)

Well, I hope you enjoy my blog... Have a good day! :)

Thursday 6 September 2012

Feeling Good!!! :D

I'd a grand ole day today, though I was loaded up with homework by the end of it. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do, once I start getting some actually hard maths questions & proper English homework. Then add Geography & study & you'll be sure that I'll never leave my room until the next morning for school once again!
However, my day was pretty good apart from the homework. Little bits of the day just made me smile. For instances, in maths, I was one of only three people to get a maths question right! I felt so cocky! Haha! XD Yesterday, I was the only one to have 4 particular questions done. I was pretty happy with myself then too as Ms. K was totally pissed with the rest of the class as she had "pre marked those questions" & assumed everyone would have done them for some unknown reason! I'd just had them done by chance! LOL! Anyway, it's made my last two days in that class. I've had little moments like that throughout today.
Tomorrow is Friday. I can't wait! I'll actually get time to turn my laptop on,, for a change. I've been using the blogspot app on my iPod the last few days. It's alright, it gets the basic job done, but I miss my italic & bold lettering, along with being able to change the alignment of the text... Plus I can't choose where the photos go in the post using the app either. They just automatically go to the end. So, basically, I miss using my laptop! :)

Anyway, I'm off to bed now! Talk to you soon.

Goodnight <3

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you are having a good day/days in school! I didn't know that they had a blogspot app for an Ipod. Hm. Well I do now thanks to you!
    I love reading your blog, and I hope you have a good night, as well as a good day tomorrow. (:
