Stand Up For Who You Are!

If someone tries to bring you down, hold your head higher & smile

People get picked on & bullied for many different things. It could be something as simple as the clothes you wear or your style of hair, to the colour of your skin or the person you choose to love, whether it be a man or a woman.
I'm one of those people. However, I just think I have a flashing neon sign above my head saying "Pick On Me!" as I've no idea why people choose to bully me. I'm just trying to be myself! And that's just it! No matter what you do, how many times you colour your hair, or change your clothing style, some people will just walk right over you.
So, what do we do?
We have to learn to stand up for ourselves, because it's our right to have the freedom to live as we are. We shouldn't have to change ourselves in any sort of way, except to gain a bit of confidence & build on our self esteem.

My blog is about how I try to be me, trying to be the best I can be!

I promise you this is not a super depressing blog, because I sure as hell ain't a depressed person, though, I do have my moments, just as everyone else does.
This is where I will be 100% myself, expressing my thoughts & feelings on different matters & also my daily life.

What I hope to do here on this blog, is to put a smile on your face &, hopefully, let you know it's okay to be yourself; to be proud of who you are!

If you do read my blog & you find that you find what I say has some truth to it, or my wackiness & randomness of my true self puts a good smile on your face, please don't hesitate to comment & let me know! Putting a smile on someone's face is always the best thing! It'd make my day! :)

Well, I hope you enjoy my blog... Have a good day! :)

Monday 24 September 2012

Job Offer! :D

FINALLY, after searching for a job since February, I've gotten a job offer for part-time in a local cafe.
I'm so freakin' happy! I had originally hoped for a summer job & had given up once school had started. However, I swear someone is looking out for me up there. The popular cafe in town had notices put up around the school for a "weekend job, suitable for students 16 & over". My friends & I ripped down all the notices, so no one else would even dare to ask for the job, if others already had. We weren't exactly playing fair, but it's too late now! Haha! XD
I had gone in last Wednesday, before rugby training, & handed in my CV, trying to not act all weird - sort of hard since "weird" comes au natural to me! I must have succeeded though as I just received an email from one of the owners. She wants to know would I be interested in working, starting around the mid-term break in October... WOO!!!!
The only problem I have now is whether I'll be here at home or not, then. My parents plan to go up to see my extended family, up where they're from. I sort of want to go too...
Scrap all that! Dad just came into my room. He said we won't be going up if I want to work... I feel sort of guilty that they're going to change the family plans just for me. We haven't seen any of my nannies, aunties, uncles or cousins in months! I'm happy at the same time too, though. Hopefully I won't work the bank holiday weekend & we can still visit my family.
We'll see how things work out, but, firstly, I'll have email the cafe to say I'd feckin' love to work for them!!!
Well, in a more mannerly way, of course! :P haha!
I just hope now that I can keep up with the pressure of school on top of the job... I'll find out, I guess!

Anyway, goodnight! <3

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Update On My Boyfriend & I

I posted a few days ago about himself & I was pretty pissed off. I read yer comments & thank you for your support & advice.

We talked things out & he's trying to work harder. He knows he needs extra help with English soon & I know I need to learn to breathe & relax too!

So, the basic gist of things is that everything is alright again. Things have been going well the last few days & will hopefully continue that way!

Just letting ye know! :)

Gathering Support Group Info!

I'm trying to make a page for bullying support groups/websites that people can turn to in a time of need. These are places for people that just want to talk & let their feelings out or get help to deal with the situation that they're in.
So far, I've only really managed to find one that I like so far (I'm trying them out myself before I put then up,). It's hard to find time to check them all.
However, if you know any support groups/websites for bullying or even for anyone BGLT or whatever, that would be great! Especially as it wouldn't feel right for me to bust into their support groups, since I don't happen to fall into the BGLT category. It'd be sort of intruding on people that do, I feel, especially in a support group or site... Okay, I'm rambling, sorry!
The basic gist of things are that I'm hoping that anyone that knows ANY good support websites or group for ANYthing, please comment on this post! I've a good insight for bullying groups, as I've been bullied myself. Otherwise, I'd appreciate the help from you, as I wouldn't know what would be good for people in situations I've never been in myself. Y'know?

So, comment below to help! Thank yoooooooou! :)

Human Facts

Random Sheep O.e

Woke up this morning to find that a lamb had gotten into our garden. O.e
We've no idea how he managed to get into it, as there's no openings at all, except the gate to the house, but we've a cattle guard, so he wouldn't have made it across. It's so random!

Monday 10 September 2012

World Preventing Suicide Day!

Today is World Preventing Suicide Day. Write "love" on your wrist or wear something yellow to show your support for anyone that has, or is having, thoughts of, attempted, or succeeded in ending their life. <3

Help spread the word!

Pissed Off Rant At My Boyfriend!!!

I'm so pissed off right now at my boyfriend! It's like he has no motivation sometimes. I know he has difficulty with school as English isn't his first language, but he isn't that terrible at all. I mean, there's not much he doesn't understand.
He wanted to get extra help with English, which I thought was great, so he asked the career guidance teacher. She was the worst person to ask. She told him that the teachers were basically too busy to help him (he doesn't learn Irish, by the way, so he has spare classes where he could learn English). This excuse was crazy in my opinion, as he received extra help before, but the teacher forgot a couple of times & just stopped the lessons. I told my boyfriend to ask our year head for the extra classes. He forgot to & isn't bothered, it seems.he says that it'll be alright.
It so totally won't be - excuse my language - fucking alright if I've to explain simple words like "statement" where, in the context of the sentence, have very obvious meaning ("Do you agree with the above statement?").
Then, after that, explain how to answer the question. This is even more insanely annoying as our teacher had explained what to do in class. We had also been working on this topic since we started back at school!
This is just so stupid. He knows, or should, at least, know about it all after two weeks. It is far from rocket science & I swear he had a brain last time I checked. It's like he just doesn't listen in class. I'm the one that absolutely hates the class & teacher, but I still listen & try my best!
I want to do well & get the points I need from the end exam from this subject. He'll need points too, as he won't be able to do honours level (you get more points if you do this level) for a few subjects due to the fact that he hasn't the best of English. However, it's as if he doesn't try; he doesn't want to do well.
It pisses me off so much, because that's all I ever do - try! I want to do the best I can; I want my education to help me get somewhere in life. Then, he just doesn't care.
I spent a good bit of time explaining the one question we had in Geography to him today, while I could've been doing my own homework & study. I repeated the same basic thing over & over again, explaining what to do & then he would repeatedly ask the same question about something I had explained.
I wanted to scream at him - that's how pissed off I got. I know I've a short temper, at times, but he always pushes me over the edge with this sort of stuff. I swear to God, he is going to get extra English classes, even if I have to organise them myself. I don't care if he doesn't want the classes anymore, I won't be able to stand much more of this. He needs them & I'm not patient enough to go through everything with him, nor do I want to lose time on what could be spent on study, to help myself.
Yes, I know I sound selfish, but to be honest, I tell him he should do certain things to help himself at school & he rarely ever listens. He's incredible intelligent at maths, however he is in ordinary level maths. He could do honours level easily. I do it myself! I told him & he said no, because he would have to study more for the subject... You get 25 extra bonus points if you just simply pass honours maths! That means by getting a D3 in Honours level is more or the same as an A1 in ordinary. Like, what the hell? A bit of study is no harm! It'll be good in the long run.
Ugh! He has zero motivation! It pisses me off so bloody much!!!

Sunday 9 September 2012

Some People Should Learn To Use Their Heads!


Everything is just go, go, go lately, hasn't it?
Between school, homework & trying to help Mam, things are jut so hectic. It's hard to find a minutes peace within the short, jammed-busy days. But that's what the weekend is for, right? Though, I swear my teachers are aiming to fill my only free time with homework too. They shall not succeed!
   Next Friday evening I'm going to be babysitting my neighbours kids. He's, I'd say, seven now & she's two. Two of the most adorable children ever! They are seriously smart kids too. I love them! The seven year old & I always end up talking about superheroes for ages. I'm thinking of downloading some cartoon film of superman or something & bring my laptop over & we can watch it together or something. I think she, the two year old, would be put in bed before their parents leave.
   Anyway, I'm pretty happy my neighbour texted looking for me to babysit. Other than the fact that I actually like playing with her kids & minding them, it also means a bit of cash. I'm estimating €30 - €50. It'll be  going mainly towards our holiday to Colorado this Christmas, as I've gotten enough for my camera already. I'm waiting for the Black Friday sales first, though, before I purchase my Nikon baby!
   So, I've been busy, busy; working & saving money. Now, it's time to relax & just to do what Shauna wants for a few hours during the weekend. :) It'll prepare me for the coming week; help reduce any unneeded stress.
It'll be some downtime - exactly what I need!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Feeling Good!!! :D

I'd a grand ole day today, though I was loaded up with homework by the end of it. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do, once I start getting some actually hard maths questions & proper English homework. Then add Geography & study & you'll be sure that I'll never leave my room until the next morning for school once again!
However, my day was pretty good apart from the homework. Little bits of the day just made me smile. For instances, in maths, I was one of only three people to get a maths question right! I felt so cocky! Haha! XD Yesterday, I was the only one to have 4 particular questions done. I was pretty happy with myself then too as Ms. K was totally pissed with the rest of the class as she had "pre marked those questions" & assumed everyone would have done them for some unknown reason! I'd just had them done by chance! LOL! Anyway, it's made my last two days in that class. I've had little moments like that throughout today.
Tomorrow is Friday. I can't wait! I'll actually get time to turn my laptop on,, for a change. I've been using the blogspot app on my iPod the last few days. It's alright, it gets the basic job done, but I miss my italic & bold lettering, along with being able to change the alignment of the text... Plus I can't choose where the photos go in the post using the app either. They just automatically go to the end. So, basically, I miss using my laptop! :)

Anyway, I'm off to bed now! Talk to you soon.

Goodnight <3


At this very moment, I'm laying in bed, contemplating whether I should actually go to school or not. I'm just so damn exhausted!
Even after going to bed earlier than normal, I've slept less than I have in weeks. At 1am, I woke up with the most horrible stomach cramp ever! Ugh! :/ I ended up having to get a hot water bottle & unable to sleep for at least an hour & a half afterwards.
This is a FML moment for sure! >.<

Wednesday 5 September 2012


Finally an evening that's basically my own! I could actually take my time on my homework & not rush, hoping to finish everything. Nope! Today, I took my time & still had time to read a bit, before having a nice long shower.
It felt so good just to take my time. I was able to be easily distracted by images of detailed paintings of fairies & not have to worry will I have enough time to do maths homework or the likes.
Hopefully I'll have more evenings like this. I'll get seriously stressed out otherwise, if I don't! I become such a bitch when I'm stressed out. I'm hardly ever nice without strain when I'm under pressure. I almost lost a friend last school year due to stress! That is -not- happening again this year, if I can get my way.
Well, I think I'm going to go to sleep early tonight. I know for a fact I'm going to have a ton of homework tomorrow, all due the following day... There is like zero leeway on my timetable for that sort of stuff! >.< It's a bit annoying! Anyway, I'm going to head to bed now. :)

Goodnight <3


Hardly any homework! Woo! :D

Well, sorta! I managed to finish majority of it in a free class & a study class today. I've just to finish Geography, do some French, study a bit & then work on my art project! Not too bad all considering. I should have time later for a proper post. :)

Tuesday 4 September 2012

My Pen Keeps Rolling Off My Desk...

Ugh! :/

I just want time to sit down & do what I want to do! I want to relax & just breathe...

I hate fucking Geography.
Actually, to be honest, I've found I rather like the subject, just despise the teacher! Who the hell gives 9 pages of a workbook to be done for the following day? Then not even correct them?! Ugh! :/ this is going to be a long hard year... I hate it already :/

Sunday 2 September 2012

An Inspiration - Andrew De Leon

He said he always felt like an outsider as a child.

Andrew De Leon is a truly inspirational guy. He came out and astonished everyone during his audition on America's Got Talent. What was just as shocking as his preformance was that the lad had never sang in front of anyone before, not even his own parents, nor had he even had any sort of coaching.

Anything about Andrew may be old news (Hey! I live in Ireland, not the USA, where the tv program is aired) to many of you. However, after just recently learning of him, I can't help but feel inspired by the guy.
   He shows us that it doesn't matter who you are or how you look like, go for your dreams in life. The guy said as a kid he felt like an outsider & never allowed anyone to hear his talent before this moment, but he didn't let that stop him. He took a deep breath through his nerves & sang anyway.
   Andrew brought tears to people's eyes & the judges to their feet. He is an inspiration to follow your dreams, no matter what. 
   I hope, some where in the near future, we'll hear of him again &  that he never changes :)

Relaxing :)

Today, I just took it easy.

I was so feckin' tired yesterday after just two days of school, I couldn't even get myself to turn on the laptop! So, today, I decided to take things easy. After a nice hot shower to wake me up, this morning, I helped clear the guest rooms upstairs &, then, finished the homework I had started yesterday evening.
   I must say, I'm rather proud of my Geography homework! Haha! All I had to do was copy down a diagram & some key terms on the Earth's internal, like the mantle & the core. Easy stuff, but I decided I was totally going to colour in my diagram & outline it in a black felt-tip pen. I'm half hoping I'll impress my teacher, but, also, keep myself interested! If I haven't said it before, I strongly dislike Geography & especially the teacher I have, Mr. C.
   Mr. C is well known for being the funny teacher & he can be. I even find him funny! However, the guy can't teach very well. He obviously knows his stuff, but he can waste a class by literally staring blankly out the window. Then the other half of the time he gets so easily distracted & banters about stupid stuff with the lads. I had him for the previous four years & he only once actually corrected our homework & copies. I'm 100% serious. I had hoped I'd never have to do Geography again, especially with him, but the new timetable obviously didn't go my way.
   So, I'm determined to study hard & to try & keep myself interested, because he sure won't. That's for sure.
   Anyway, after my homework, I watched a documentaries on YouTube. I seriously recommend the Extraordinary People documentaries. I watched The Girl with a New Face (I think that was the name anyway) & The Boy Who See Without Eyes. Both extremely good.
   Ben Underwood, the boy that sees without eyes, had his eyes removed just before he turned three years old, to stop the spread of cancer. However, I had found, just after watching the documentary that he had died of a brain tumour, just before his 17th birthday in 2009. I felt like crying. He was such an amazing lad, learning to "see" using echolocation from the clicking sounds he used to make. 

May Ben Underwood Rest In Peace.

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